noun nu·cle·a·tor \ˌn(y)ü-klē-ˈā-tor\
Nucleation is a thermodynamic phase change that causes rain to pour from a cloud.
Nucleator is a new open source devops tool that helps you create secure, scalable, highly available environments in Amazon Web Services

Increasingly, enterprise customers are moving to AWS to take advantage of pay-as-you-go pricing, Opex vs. Capex expenditures, speed and agility. Along with these features, enterprise customers demand security, scalability and high-availability. Nucleator allows you to follow AWS best practices and reference architectures to achieve these goals in a repeatable manner. The idea for Nucleator grew out of 47Lining's own experience with enterprise customers. When we started out, we hand-built dev, QA and production environments for customers, but they were very difficult to reproduce and maintain in sync over time. When we adopted DevOps to automate this manual work, we leveraged Puppet, Ansible, Chef and CloudFormation snippets available on the Web, but found that there was still a sizable effort gap to actualize enterprise customer goals. We observed that there is still lots of whitespace across AWS Services that enable security, cross-account delegation, scalability, security, high availability and common enterprise standard operating procedures. Applying automation that addresses this whitespace in a reproducible manner is still really hard work. That's why we developed Nucleator. Nucleator allows you to realize the benefits of the Cloud – quickly and easily. We like to say, "Nucleator makes your Cloud rain."

Nucleator Enterprise

Ever wished you could have a Solutions Architect peek over your shoulder to ensure your implementation is sound?

47Lining offers consulting services as well as Nucleator Enterprise Stacksets, bundled with ongoing updates, support and security review services. For more information, please contact us.

Installation Documentation Releases License Community