Include Additional Customers, Accounts and Cages in your siteconfig

How to manually extend your siteconfig by telling Nucleator which AWS Accounts to use for which Customers, and which Cages and AWS Regions you want to become provisionable.




The steps in this section are optional, and are required only if you wish to manually extend the siteconfig created by the nucleator siteconfig wizard.

Extend your siteconfig

Customer-specific configurations are maintained in ~/.nucleator/siteconfig/

    <customer_name>.yml # nucleator customer config for customer <customer_name>
	{customer}.yml # Customer configuration template 

Specify Customer Domain and AWS Accounts for this Customer

To configure Nucleator to work with a new Customer, copy and modify the {customer}.yml template file to include Customer- and Account-specific information.  Name the config file  {{customer_name}}.yml where customer_name is the name that you would like Nucleator to use for this customer.

If a customer config already exists for this Customer, just add the Account-specific information for the new Account to the customer's existing {{customer_name}}.yml config file.

Within the Customer configuration template, each part of the config where Customer- or Account-specific information needs to be entered is marked with a "TODO" comment that describes the required information, for example:

customer_domain: "" # TODO update domain name


  # TODO: add an account specification block for each new AWS Account for this customer
  test1: # TODO: update the human-readable "Friendly Name" of this Account.

    account_number: 123456789012 # TODO: enter Account Number for this AWS Account

You can review a completed sample for an example customer at ~/.nucleator/siteconfig/example.yml

When you create a new AWS Account that you want Nucleator to be able to use, you must tell Nucleator about some essential Account information.  

# TODO: add an account specification block for each AWS Account for this customer
  test1: # TODO: update the human-readable "Friendly Name" of this Account.

    account_number: 123456789012 # TODO: enter Account Number for this AWS Account

    bootstrap_region: us-west-2 # TODO: select region to use for Account-level
                                #       resources supporting best practices
                                #       (e.g. detailed billing)
      # TODO: update AZ1 and AZ2 for each region to match the first two AZ's
      # capable of hosting VPC subnets in the new account.  This allows
      # Nucleator to create redundant subnets and subnet groups for
      # high-availability deployment topologies.  Note that the specific AZ's
      # available for use within VPCs may vary by Account and Region, especially
      # for Regions where AWS has a strong pre-VPC footprint like us-east-1.
      # Do not assume that the available AZs will be the same as for previous
      # Accounts.
        AZ1: us-west-2a
        AZ2: us-west-2b
        AZ1: us-east-1a
        AZ2: us-east-1c
        AZ1: eu-west-1a
        AZ2: eu-west-1b 

The Region to AZ mapping is a mapping ("map_region_plus_redundant_zone_number_to_vpc_valid_az") that specifies which AZ's are valid for provisioning VPC subnets within the Account.  This information varies from Account to Account, so you need to add this info for each new AWS Account that you create.  The AZ's which are valid for provisioning VPC subnets can be determined by:

Specify Cages for this Customer and map each to an AWS Account and Region

The Customer configuration template is pre-configured with a useful sample of Cage names that Nucleator is aware of for this Customer.  You can update the defined Cage names to suit this Customer's specific needs.  Nucleator uses these to create a an AWS Hosted Zone for each cage as part of the automated account setup process, providing a means for consistent internal- or external DNS resolution for resources provisioned within each Cage.  Nucleator will refuse to provision a Cage until you add it here.  You can always extend the list to define additional Cages later.

In the Customer configuration template, each Cage is mapped to a specified AWS Account and AWS Region where you would like this Cage to reside when it is provisioned by Nucleator.  Nucleator currently ubiquitously supports regions where AWS supports CloudWatch logging, currently us-east-1 (Northern VA), us-west-2 (Oregon) and eu-west-1 (Ireland).  For each of these Regions, Nucleator is aware of current values for useful AMIs and other needed values that vary on a per-region basis.

The owner values provided for each Cage are propagated by Nucleator and applied to an "Owner" tag that is applied to AWS Resources provisioned within each Cage.

Adjust these values and the set of Cage names based on the Customer's requirements: 

# A Cage is a set of managed AWS infrastructure that exists for a particular purpose.
# Cages can be maintained across one or more customer-specific AWS Accounts.

# TODO: modify cage names for this customer.  Consider starting with just build.

  # The AWS Acccount that hosts the build cage acts
  # as the source account in cross-account builds
    account: test1
    region: us-west-2
	owner: exampleUser
    account: test1
    region: us-west-2
	owner: exampleUser
    account: test2
    region: us-west-2
	owner: exampleRole
    account: test2
    region: us-west-2
	owner: exampleRole

Specify Configuration Parameters for each of this Customer's Cages

For each Cage defined in the Customer configuration file, you will need to copy and update the {customer}-{cage}.yml file, also in the siteconfig directory.  These files provide configuration details for each Cage.  In each of the new files, you will need to update the values for these fields:

first8: 172
second8: 32

These variables define the IP address space used by the AWS VPC within this Cage.  Typically each Cage will consume address space within those ranges specified by RFC 1918 - Address Allocation for Private Internets.

To make things simple, the network_topology relies on two convenience variables:

    • first8 – Specifies the value for the first eight bits of the CIDR for the VPC that will be provisioned for this cage.  The value specified in the default Cage configuration is 172.  If you use the 10.* address space for your networks, you can make that update here.
    • second8 – Specifies the value for the second eight bits of the CIDR for the VPC that will be provisioned for this cage.  The value specified in the default Cage configuration is 32, so as to not conflict with the default AWS VPC and allow for easy incrementing to accomodate additional Cages.

You should update these values so that the IP Address of each of your cages in non-overlapping.  This will allow each of the provisioned VPC's to be consolidated into a single address space via VPN, if needed in the future.  In most cases simply incrementing the value specified for second8 for each Cage that you add is sufficient.

Nucleator Cages default to allocating a /16 CIDR, i.e. 172.32.*.*, 172.33.*.* etc.

Enter Customer -Specific Account Credentials

Customer credentials are maintained in ~/.nucleator/ in files named {customer}-credentials.yml, for example:



The nucleator init command creates a template for a new customer in {customer}-credentials.yml in the above directory.

Nucleator supports the use of multiple AWS Accounts per customer, and provides convenience facilities to help you to set up each of these accounts.  The customer credentials file enables you to provide Nucleator with IAM credentials for each account used by a customer.  Nucleator uses these credentials to provision IAM Roles within the Account (see below), after which the credentials are no longer required.  IAM User credentials should not be maintained in git, this is why customer credentials are provided in a distinct file in ~/.nucleator, rather than in the siteconfig.

Create a customer credentials file for your first Nucleator customer by copying the template, and modify that file to include the account-specific information for each account the customer has.  Name the config file  {{customer_name}}-credentials.yml where customer_name is the name that you would like Nucleator to use for this customer.  There should be access and secret keys for each Account named in the configuration step above:

  test1: # TODO - provide credentials for each AWS Account for which you would like Nucleator to assist with account setup
    aws_access_key_id: <provide IAM User credentials: access key ID>
    aws_secret_access_key: <provide IAM User credentials: secret access key>

Note: the credentials above are not valid.  You need to replace them with values from your own Account.


Here's a summary of the Customer- and Account-specific information that Nucleator needs to be in place:

customer configuration file



Nucleator expects to find each customer's config in {{customer_name}}.yml within the siteconfig directory accessible at ~/.nucleator/siteconfig/

  • customer_name – Nucleator expects to find each customer's config in {{customer_name}}.yml within the vars directory of the config Ansible role.
  • customer_domain – Nucleator sets up external DNS to each of a customer's configured "Cages" (each, an independent AWS VPC).  All Cages for a customer are configured as subdomains of the customer_domain specified in the customer config.
  • cage_names – Nucleator can set up a VPC and defined deployment targets for each of a list of "Cages" that are specified in the customer config.  You can add a list of Cage names that Nucleator will respect.
  • aws_accounts – Nucleator can work with multiple AWS accounts for each customer.  These are specified in aws_accounts in the customer config.  Each specified AWS Account includes:
    • Friendly account_name – this is a name for the Account that is readable by humans.  It is used elsewhere in Nucleator config and in Jenkins pulldowns that are set up by Nucleator, where choices among AWS Accounts must occur.

    • account_number - this is the unique twelve-digit Account Number provided by AWS for this AWS Account. The account number can be found by selecting the "Support" | "Support Center" pulldown from your AWS console. Your Account number will appear at the upper right of the Support Center page.
    • bootstrap_region - this is the AWS Region where Nucleator will create Amazon resources within this Account that it needs to support the creation of Cages and Stacksets.
    • map_region_plus_redundant_zone_number_to_vpc_valid_az  – Region to Availability Zone Mapping that specifies which AZ's are valid for provisioning VPC subnets within the Account.

cage configuration file



Nucleator expects to find config parameters for each Cage defined for each customer in {{customer_name}}-{{cage_name}}.yml within the siteconfig directory accessible at ~/.nucleator/siteconfig/

  • first8 – The first eight bits for the VPC associated with this cage. Nucleator users will typically use either 172 (the default in the Cage configuration template) or 10.
  • second8 – The second eight bits for the VPC associated with this cage. If you do not have other driving requirements, you can use the default of 32 specified in the Cage configuration template, and increment by one for each subsequently defined Cage.
  • network_topology – If needed, you can further refine the network topology used by this Cage by adjusting additional values from this Cage configuration file.

cage certificate file



Nucleator site wizard creates a self-signed certificate file for you for each cage in the event you want to use SSL connections to your web servers and/or the builder stackset. If you need to create one of these files manually, use the instructions on the next page - Provide SSL Certificates for Your Defined Customers and Cages.

customer credentials file



Nucleator expects to find AWS Credentials for each Customer in {{customer_name}}-credentials.yml within ~/.nucleator/

These are maintained distinct from the siteconfig as a security best practice, and are only required to accomodate creation of Nucleator IAM Roles.  For each AWS Account Nucleator expects:

  • aws_access_key_id – IAM User credentials for an IAM User with sufficient permissions to accomodate creation of Nucleator IAM Roles
  • aws_secret_access_key – IAM User credentials for an IAM User with sufficient permissions to accomodate creation of Nucleator IAM Roles


Next: Provide SSL Certificates for Your Defined Customers and Cages

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