Adding Stacksets to Your Nucleator Installation

How to tell Nucleator which versions of which Stacksets to use, and how to pull Stacksets from diverse public and private repositories.

Nucleator is designed to be extended, either by adding capabilities provided by publicly available Stacksets or custom (possibly private) Stacksets they you develop within your organization.

Nucleator leverages the same mechanisms used by ansible-galaxy to identify public or private Stacksets and pull them into your .nucleator/contrib directory, making them available for use in your Nucleator installation.

The file sources.yml in your .nucleator directory contains entries for each of the Stacksets that Nucleator can use. Initially, this file contains entries for the core Stacksets that are part of the Nucleator Open Source offering. These Stacksets provide the ability to provision and manage Elastic Beanstalk applications, Amazon Redshift clusters and the Builder Stackset that demonstrates a prototypical build / deploy infrastructure based on Jenkins and the Artifactory artifact repository.

By adding entries to your sources.yml, you can pull in other public or private Stacksets. The sources.yml file is a YAML formatted file that follows the same format and conventions as ansible-galaxy requirements.txt files (see the Ansible Galaxy documentation).

Using these conventions, you can install Stacksets from Git or BitBucket repositories, HTTP or HTTPS locations and more. Nucleator also provides a way to provide credentials for private repositories when necessary.

After adding entries to your .nucleator/sources.yml file, run nucleator update to fetch and install new Stacksets and make them available to your Nucleator installation.


Next: Versioning Cages and Stacksets

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