Checkout the Site Config
The Nucleator user interface enables operations on Cages and Stacksets which have been defined in the site configuration repository. The "out of the box" operation of Nucleator assumes you have your site configuration maintained in a Git repository. This location should be set early in the getting-started processed and is contained in the sources.yml file in your .nucleator directory. The 'nucleator update' task also reads this sources.yml file and retrieves the data.
Similarly to the 'nucleator update', the "CheckoutSiteConfig" project updates the Nucleator User Interface's view. When changes to the site configuration have been committed, this project should be run. The contents of those definitions is explained in this page: Nucleator Configuration Process Overview.
N.B. at the moment, the Nucleator UI has no notion of what Cages and Stacksets have been provisioned. The concept is that you can re-provision Cages and Stacksets multiple times. The downside of this is creating a deployment target in a Cage which hasn't been configured. The deployment doesn't fail since the Cage gets provisioned as a side effect, but the configure step isn't run which can lead to undesirable side effects. Therefore, it is important to use the "Provision and Configure Cage" and "Create Beanstalk Container" projects.
Next: Nucleator Update