Creating your own Siteconfig Repository

How to create your own git repository to hold your desired Customer, Account and Cage definitions and information.


1. Create and Use your own Siteconfig

  • Fork nucleator-core-siteconfig into your own github account
  • Update your Stackset sources to use your personal siteconfig repository


You will use your own siteconfig git repository to capture essential information that defines your desired Nucleator Customers, Accounts and Cages.  For your first use of Nucleator, we suggest you use a public siteconfig maintained in your github account. Once you’ve seen how Nucleator Cages and Stacksets work, you can set up a private siteconfig repository and provide Nucleator with a distribution key to access it.

Fork the nucleator-core-siteconfig into your own github account

Update your Stackset sources to use your personal siteconfig

Insert the URL to your GitHub or other repository in this section of ~/.nucleator/sources.yml:

# siteconfig - Nucleator customer- and cage- specific configuration
- src: git+git://<your_github_account>/nucleator-core-siteconfig.git
  version: master
  name: siteconfig

You will want to put in a link similar to "git+git://" for a public GitHub repository.

Advanced: Using a siteconfig in a private repository

For your first use of Nucleator, this quickstart recommends that you use a public siteconfig. Once you’ve seen how Nucleator Cages and Stacksets work, you can create a private siteconfig repository and provide Nucleator with a distribution key to access it.

  1. Note the clone URL for your personal siteconfig repository

  2. Create a local clone:

    cd <place_where_you_create_git_clones>
    git clone <clone_url_noted_above>
  3. create access keys for the repository and place them in your ~/.ssh/distkeys directory.

  4. Add a section to ~/.nucleator/distkeys.yml similar to this:

    # Customer Private GitHub Repository2
    - hostname:
      ssh_config_host: github-siteconfig


Next: Choosing Nucleator Stacksets






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