Nucleator Core - Builder

Each Nucleator installation relies upon the Builder Stackset. It provides Nucleator's User Interface, a deployment of Nucleator within a Nucleator Cage, and an Artifactory instance for supporting continuous integration and deployment best practices.


The builder command and its subcommands provide a Stackset that includes Nucleator, Nucleator’s User Interface and Artifactory.  The Nucleator resource is installed in a secure manner within a Nucleator build Cage. This resource is used to execute Nucleator operations in much the same way you do from your own command-line/shell.  The Nucleator User Interface provides a Jenkins-based interface and job history for Nucleator-related actions. It relies on the Nucleator resource for executing Nucleator operations.  The Artifactory instance provides a repository which will store binary artifacts. These may be retrieved and deployed to Beanstalk Stacksets.


This is an architecture diagram of a Builder Stackset.


To understand builder command usage, please visit the Builder section of the CLI Reference.


Next: Nucleator Core - Redshift



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