Nucleator CLI Reference
nucleator-bakery(1) Manual Page
nucleator-bakery - Provision, Configure and Publish Operations on EC2 Amazon Machine Images
nucleator bakery provision <args> [options] nucleator bakery configure <args> [options] nucleator bakery publish <args> [options] nucleator bakery delete <args> [options]
The bakery command and its subcommands are used to create and publish Amazon Machine Images.
Running nucleator bakery provision and nucleator bakery configure multiple times is safe, because provisioning and configuration operations are idempotent. If no changes have been made to the stackset definition in ~/.nucleator/contrib/bakery, these commands will result in no change. If updates were made to to the Stackset definition (via nucleator update, for example) that are consistent with CloudFormation’s "update in place" capabilities, the stackset will be updated in place so that AWS resources are brought into alignment with the new stackset definition. This can be useful, for example, when modifying security groups to support application communication on various ports that the app may require.
The bakery command provides the ability to easily create an EC2 instance from an Amazon Machine Image (AMI), make the instance available for further configuration and then create (bake) a new AMI based on that instance via the Nucleator CLI.
- nucleator bakery provision
--customer <customer_name> --group <bakery_ansible_role> [--cage <cage_name>] [--ami-id <id> [--ami-name <name>] [--name <instance_name>] [--keypair-name <keypair_name>]
nucleator bakery provision creates an AWS EC2 instance in the specified cage for the specified customer. Either an ID or a name must be provided for the source AMI from which the EC2 instance will be launched. One of the two options must be provided. If you expect to login to the instance, you should provide a keypair name. If you don’t specify a cage name, it will use the build cage. If you don’t specify a name for the instance, it will use singleton.
The group option lets you specify a set of Ansible roles which will be used during the provisioning, configuring and published steps. These roles will go by the names "<group>_provision", "<group>_configure", "<group>_publish", "<group>_templates". Examples of these are provided for both Linux and Windows instances in this GitHub repo. Those roles should be copied into your Nucleator installation directory: ~/.nucleator/contrib/bakery-roles/ansible/roles/example_linux_provision for example.
- nucleator bakery configure
--customer <customer_name> --group <bakery_ansible_role> [--cage <cage_name>] [--name <bakery_instance_name>] [-h | --help]
nucleator bakery configure performs post-provisioning configuration of the EC2 instance associated with the bakery.
- nucleator bakery publish
--customer <customer_name> --group <bakery_ansible_role> --ami-name <ami__name> [--cage <cage_name>] [--name <bakery_instance_name>] [--ami-region <region>]
nucleator bakery publish creates the AMI from the named EC2 instance. The ami-name is applied to that AMI which is published into the specified region. If no region is specified, it will go into the same region as where the EC2 instance is running.
- nucleator bakery delete
--customer <customer_name> --group <bakery_ansible_role> --cage <cage_name> --name <bakery_instance_name>
nucleator bakery delete deletes the bakery instance specified by <bakery_application_name> from the specified Nucleator cage.
- --customer <customer_name>
The name of the customer for whom the specified cage was provisioned.
- --cage <cage_name>
The name of the cage in which to provision and maintain the bakery. When this option is not required, the default is build.
- --group <group_name>
The name of a set if Ansible roles which will be used to provide custom provisioning and configuration. These roles, written by the customer, will go by the names "<group>_provision", "<group>_configure", "<group>_publish", "<group>_templates". Examples of these are provided for both Linux and Windows instances in this GitHub repo. Those roles should be copied into your Nucleator installation directory: ~/.nucleator/contrib/bakery-roles/ansible/roles/example_linux_provision for example.
- --ami-id <id>
The ID of an Amazon Machine Image (AMI) which will be the source of the EC2 instance which will be launched. This AMI needs to reside in the region of the cage which you have specified. When this option is not required, it means that Nucelator will look for an AMI with the name specified by the next option, "ami-name".
- --ami-name <name>
The name of an Amazon Machine Image (AMI) which will be the source of the EC2 instance which will be launched. This AMI needs to reside in the region of the cage which you have specified. When this option is not required, it means that Nucelator will look for an AMI with the ID specified by the previous option, "ami-id". For the publish command, this value will be assigned to the resultant AMI.
- --name <instance_name>
The "instance_name" value will be assigned to the launched EC2 instance. If this option is not specified, a default value of singleton is used.
- --keypair-name <keypair_name>
If you will need to login to the launched EC2 instance, the keypair should be specified so that it can be associated with the EC2 instance at launch time.
- --ami-region <region_name>
The publish command will place the resulting AMI in the specified region. If not specified, the AMI will be published in the region where the EC2 instance is running.
- -h
- --help
Show help for this command.
- NUCLEATOR_INSTALL_DIR/nucleator-core/lib/nucleator/core/foundation/ansible/roles/config/vars/aws_service_config.yml
AWS Services config file including dicts for currently supported EC2 and RDS instance types.
- ~/.nucleator/contrib/bakery/ansible/roles/bakery_provision/defaults/main.yml
Default values for optional arguments to the bakery command.
- ~/.nucleator/contrib/bakery-roles/ansible/roles
The customer-provided Ansible roles should be placed in this directory.
Part of the nucleator(1) suite