Nucleator CLI Reference


nucleator beanstalk provision <args> [options]
nucleator beanstalk configure <args> [options]
nucleator beanstalk deploy <args> [options]
nucleator beanstalk delete <args> [options]


The beanstalk command and its subcommands are used to create and maintain Elastic Beanstalk Applications and Environments within Nucleator Cages.

Running nucleator beanstalk provision and nucleator beanstalk configure multiple times is safe, because provisioning and configuration operations are idempotent. If no changes have been made to the Stackset definition in ~/.nucleator/contrib/beanstalk, these commands will result in no change. If updates were made to to the Stackset definition (via nucleator update, for example) that are consistent with CloudFormation’s "update in place" capabilities, the Stackset will be updated in place so that AWS Resources are brought into alignment with the new Stackset definition. This can be useful, for example, when modifying security groups to support application communication on various ports that the app may require.

The beanstalk command provides the ability to easily manage provisioning parameters supporting setup and common scaling operations via the Nucleator CLI.



nucleator beanstalk provision

--customer <customer_name> --cage <cage_name> --app_name <beanstalk_application_name> --type <application_type> [--tier <tier_type>] [--beanstalk-instance-type <ec2_instance_type>] [--database-instance-type <rds_instance_type>] [--database-name <database_name>] [--database-user <database_user>] [--database-password <database_password>] [--minscale <min_value>] [--maxscale <max_value>] [--service-role <iam_role_name>] [--queue-url <url>] [--inactivity-timeout <timeout_value>] [--visibility-timeout <timeout_value>] [--preview] [-h | --help]

nucleator beanstalk provision creates an AWS Elastic Beanstalk application and environment in the specified Cage for the specified Customer. It can also provision a backing RDS database for persistence of application state.

The subcommand provisions an autoscaling environment that spans the two availability zones defined in the Cage configuration for the specified Cage. The min, max and desired autoscaling targets can be specified using subcommand options.


nucleator beanstalk configure

--customer <customer_name> --cage <cage_name> --app-name <beanstalk_application_name> [-h | --help]

nucleator beanstalk configure performs post-provisioning configuration of all EC2 resources associated with the beanstalk.

By default all hosts associated with any instance of the beanstalk Stackset within the specified Cage will be configured. The app-name option can be used to optionally constrain the set of configured instances to hosts associated with a specified beanstalk Stackset instance.


nucleator beanstalk deploy

--customer <customer_name> --cage <cage_name> --app-name <app_name> --app-version <beanstalk_application_version> --app-url <application_url>

nucleator beanstalk deploy deploys the application deployment artifact at <application_url> (typically drawn from an artifactory) to the beanstalk Stackset instance specified by <app_name>. During deployment, a the specified <beanstalk_application_version> is created within the beanstalk, and deployed to the specified <beanstalk_environment_name> beanstalk environment.


nucleator beanstalk delete

--customer <customer_name> --cage <cage_name> --app-name <beanstalk_application_name>

nucleator beanstalk delete attempts to delete the beanstalk Stackset instance specified by <beanstalk_application_name> from the specified Nucleator Cage.


--customer <customer_name>

The name of the Customer for whom the specified Cage was provisioned.

--cage <cage_name>

The name of the Cage in which to provision and maintain the beanstalk.

--app-name <beanstalk_application_name>

The name of the elastic beanstalk application to provision, configure, deploy or delete. Note that nucleator will extend this base application name appending "-<cage>-<customer>" to support AWS naming best practices and ensure uniqueness within the target AWS account. So for example if "myapp" is passed as app_name, the provisioned beanstalk will be named "myapp-<cage>-<customer>".

--type <application_type>

The type of application environment to provision. Currently supported application types are "java8", "java7", "nodejs", "python3", "python27", "ruby22_pass", "ruby22_puma", "tomcat8", "tomcat7", "tomcat7java6", "go", "docker17", "docker16". These correspond to the AWS Beanstalk instance types, so you may consult the AWS documentation for details.

--tier <tier_type>

The "tier" of the instance, meaning, either "worker" or "webserver". A web server instance is placed behind a load balancer and gets an internal DNS entry. A worker instance gets an SQS queue associated with it. A daemon is created and runs on the instance which reads that queue and posts messages to the worker application when the queue is read.

--beanstalk-instance-type <ec2_instance_type>

The type of ec2 instance to use within the elastic beanstalk. Must be drawn from the list of currently supported ec2 instance types in aws_service_config.yml. Defaults to "t2.micro". See also [FILES].

--database-instance-type <rds_instance_type>

The type of AWS Relational Database Service (RDS) instance to use within the elastic beanstalk. Must be drawn from the list of currently supported RDS instance types in aws_service_config.yml. Use "None" to signify that no RDS instance should be provisioned. Defaults to "None". See also [FILES].

--database-name <database_name>

The name of the database to provision within the RDS instance provisioned to provide data persistence for the Elastic Beanstalk. Defaults to "nucleator". See also [FILES].

--database-user <database_user>

The database user created in the RDS instance provisioned to provide data persistence for the Elastic Beanstalk. Defaults to "nucleatorAdmin". See also [FILES].

--database-password <database_password>

The password for the database user created in the RDS instance provisioned to provide data persistence for the Elastic Beanstalk. Defaults to "DefaultPassword". See also [FILES].

--limit-stackset-instance <beanstalk_application_name>

Limits stackset configuration to hosts associated with beanstalk Stackset instance <beanstalk_application_name>.

--minscale <min_value>

The minimum number of elastic beanstalk instances in the autoscaling group associated with the elastic beanstalk. Defaults to 1.

--maxscale <max_value>

The maximum number of elastic beanstalk instances in the autoscaling group associated with the elastic beanstalk. Defaults to 4.

--service-role <iam_role_name>

The IAM role to be associated with the instance profile that is associated with beanstalk EC2 resources. Defaults to NucleatorBeanstalkServiceRunner. Applications may wish to use an alternate IAM role if extended permissions to other AWS resources are required by the application.


When provisioning a beanstalk, rather than provision the beanstalk, print preview information about what will be provisioned if run without the --preview opion. Preview text is intended to be descriptive and may also include links to graphical architecture diagrams.


Show help for this command.



AWS Services config file including dicts for currently supported EC2 and RDS instance types.


Default values for optional arguments to the beanstalk command.


Part of the nucleator(1) suite

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