Nucleator CLI Reference


nucleator cage provision --customer <customer_name> --cage <cage_name> [options]
nucleator cage configure --customer <customer_name> --cage <cage_name> [options]
nucleator cage delete --customer <customer_name> --cage <cage_name>


The cage command and its subcommands are used to create and maintain Nucleator cages. A Nucleator Cage provides a functional hosting environment with private, public and database subnets, bastion and nat functionality, external DNS and ssh config for hosts within the Cage. Nucleator Cages provide reasonable default values that can be changed easily by modifying the cage configuration file.

Running nucleator cage provision and nucleator cage configure multiple times is safe, because provisioning and configuration operations are idempotent. If no changes have been made to the Stackset definition in ~/.nucleator/contrib/cage, these commands will result in no change. If updates were made to to the Stackset definition (via nucleator update, for example) that are consistent with CloudFormation’s "update in place" capabilities, the Stackset will be updated in place so that AWS Resources are brought into alignment with the new Stackset definition.



nucleator cage provision

--customer <customer_name> --cage <cage_name> [--preview] [-h | --help]

nucleator cage provision creates and connects the AWS resources required to create the Cloud resources that comprise the specified Nucleator Cage. It instantiates and launches a CloudFormation stack that defines the Cage and its outputs.


nucleator cage configure

--customer <customer_name> --cage <cage_name> [--restart-nat] [--limit-stackset <stackset_name>] [--limit-stackset-instance <stackset_instance_name>] [--recursive] [-h | --help]

nucleator cage configure performs post-provisioning configuration of all ec2 resources associated with the cage, including optional Stackset configuration of ec2 resources provisioned in support of Stacksets associated with the Cage.

To support strong and consistent security underpinnings, cage configure by default configures all hosts associated with the Cage, including instances that comprise the Cage as well as instances that comprise each Stackset associated with the Cage. The set of configured instances can optionally be constrained to hosts associated with a specified Stackset or Stackset instance.


nucleator cage delete

--customer <customer_name> --cage <cage_name> [--recursive] [-h | --help]

Attempts to delete the specified Cage. Requires that the specified Cage already exists. For expected operation, any dependent AWS resources within the Cage must first be deleted.


--customer <customer_name>

The name of the customer from which configuration for the Cage should be drawn. See also [FILES].

--cage <cage_name>

The name of the desired Cage, consistent with a Cage defined in the specified Customer’s siteconfig. See also [FILES].


When provisioning a Cage, rather than provision the Cage, print preview information about what will be provisioned if run without the --preview opion. Preview text is intended to be descriptive and may also include links to graphical architecture diagrams.


When configuring a Cage, request that the NAT instance be stopped then restarted.

--limit-stackset <stackset_name>

When configuring a Cage, constrain the configured hosts to only those associated with the provided <stackset_name> (e.g. cage, beanstalk, builder).

--limit-stackset-instance <stackset_instance_name>

When configuring a Cage, constrain configuration of hosts to only those associated with the specified stackset_instance_name instance of the stackset specified by a prior --limit-stackset argument. This limits configuration to only those hosts that comprise the specified stackset instance. Requires prior specification of --limit-stackset.


List the hosts that are entailed in configuration, taking into acount any --limit-* options that may be present, rather than performing configuration.


When configuring a Cage, recursively invoke Stackset configuration for each Stackset that has been provisioned with the Cage. THIS OPTION HAS NOT YET BEEN IMPLEMENTED.

When deleting a Cage, recursively invoke the delete subcommand on each Stackset instance associated with the Cage. THIS OPTION HAS NOT YET BEEN IMPLEMENTED.


When provided as an argument to cage provision, deletes an existing Cage rather than updating it. Requires that the specied Cage already exists. For expected operation, any dependent AWS resources within the Cage that were not provisioned by Nucleator must first be deleted. THIS OPTION HAS NOT YET BEEN IMPLEMENTED.



Configuration directory for local nucleator configuration.


Customer configuration file, defines Cages supported for customer including mapping each cage to a specified AWS Account and Region.


Cage configuration file, allows refinements to network address space used by this cage.


SSH config file, used to easily ssh to instances within this cage via the Cage’s bastion server.


Part of the nucleator(1) suite

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