Nucleator CLI Reference


nucleator redshift provision <args> [options]
nucleator redshift delete <args> [options]


The redshift command and its subcommands are used to create and maintain Amazon Redshift clusters within Nucleator Cages.

Running nucleator redshift provision multiple times is safe, because provisioning and configuration operations are idempotent. If no changes have been made to the Stackset definition in ~/.nucleator/contrib/redshift, these commands will result in no change. If updates were made to to the Stackset definition (via nucleator update, for example) that are consistent with CloudFormation’s "update in place" capabilities, the Stackset will be updated in place so that AWS Resources are brought into alignment with the new Stackset definition.

The redshift command provides the ability to easily manage provisioning parameters supporting setup and common scaling operations via the Nucleator CLI.



nucleator redshift provision

--customer <customer_name> --cage <cage_name> --cluster_name <redshift_cluster_name> --username <db_user_name> --password <db_user_password> [--cluster_type <redshift_cluster_type>] [--num_nodes <desired_number_of_nodes>] [--node_type <desired_node_type>] [--database_name <database_name>] [--encrypted <true_or_false>] [--public <true_or_false>] [--port <database_port>] [--preview] [-h | --help]

nucleator redshift provision creates an Amazon Redshift cluster in the specified Cage for the specified Customer.

The subcommand supports options that control the cluster size and type of instances to be used for cluster nodes.


nucleator redshift delete

--customer <customer_name> --cage <cage_name> --cluster_name <redshift_cluster_name>

nucleator redshift delete attempts to delete the redshift Stackset instance specified by <redshift_cluster_name> from the specified Nucleator Cage.


--customer <customer_name>

The name of the Customer for whom the specified Cage was provisioned.

--cage <cage_name>

The name of the Cage in which to provision and maintain the beanstalk.

--cluster_name <cluster_name>

The name of the Amazon Redshift cluster to provision, configure, deploy or delete. Note that nucleator will extend this base cluster name appending "-<cage>-<customer>" to support AWS naming best practices and ensure uniqueness within the target AWS account. So for example if "mycluster" is passed as cluster_name, the provisioned cluster will be named "mycluster-<cage>-<customer>".

--cluster_type <cluster_type>

The type of cluster to provision - either "single-node" or "multi-node". The default is "single-node".

--num_nodes <number_of_nodes>

The number of nodes to provision when deploying a multi-node cluster.

--node_type <node_type>

The Amazon instance type to be used for provisioned cluster nodes. Valid values are "dw1.xlarge", "dw1.8xlarge", "dw2.large" and "dw2.8xlarge". The default is "dw2.xlarge" which is eligible for AWS free tier usage.

--username <db_username>

The root username for the provisioned Redshift cluster. The username must be between 1 - 128 characters, contain only lowercase alphanumeric characters and cannot be a Redshift reserved word.

--password <db_password>

The root password for the provisioned Redshift cluster. The password must be between 8 - 64 characters and must contain at least one number, one lowercase letter and one uppercase letter.

--database_name <database_name>

The name of the initial Redshift database. Defaults to "defaultdb". The database name must contain only lowercase alphanumeric characters, be between 1 - 64 characters, and cannot be a Redshift reserved word.

--encrypted <true_or_false>

Controls whether data is encrypted at rest within the Redshift cluster. The default is "false".

--public <true_or_false>

Controls whether the provisioned cluster can be accessed from a public network. The default is "false".

--port <port_number>

The port number to be used for the Redshift database. The default is 5439.


When provisioning a cluster, rather than provision the cluster, print preview information about what will be provisioned if run without the --preview opion. Preview text is intended to be descriptive and may also include links to graphical architecture diagrams.


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