Nucleator CLI Reference
nucleator-setup(1) Manual Page
nucleator-setup - manage the site configuration files
nucleator setup show nucleator setup wizard nucleator setup validate
The Nucleator system relies on a set of files which describe the components of your installation. This is described in the User’s Guide on the page titled "Nucleator Configuration Process Overview"
- nucleator setup show
nucleator setup show creates a rudimentary display of the existing site configuration set of files.
- nucleator setup wizard
nucleator setup wizard asks you a series of questions enabling you to simply create the suite of site configuration files. Prior to starting the wizard you should know what AWS accounts you will be using and for each account you will need the account number, access key and secret key. This information can be read from the AWS Management Console.
In the simplest possible case, you can create one cage in one account, in the region you select. By entering the three required fields (account number, access key and secret key), and selecting default values, all the appropriate configuration files will be created for you.
For ongoing maintenance of the files, a good practice would be to create a Git repository to store the files with verions. This will also enable the Nucleator User Interface to have access to the site configuration files.
As you run the wizard, default values, when present, are shown in brackets []. Just press enter if you want to use the default value offered.
If you want to create multiple cages, just enter a new cage name when asked, and it will ask the questions for that cage. Similarly, if you have multiple accounts, you can enter the number and keys for each account.
- nucleator setup validate
Attempts to validate the existing site configuration including sources of updates and distribution keys. TO BE IMPLEMENTED.
- ~/.nucleator/
Configuration directory for local nucleator configuration.
- ~/.nucleator/<customer_name>-credentials.yml
File with AWS access key and secret key.
- <customer_name>.yml
Customer configuration file, defines Cages supported for customer including mapping each cage to a specified AWS Account and Region.
- <customer_name>-<cage_name>.yml
Cage configuration file, allows refinements to network address space used by this cage. One file is created for each cage you define.
- <cage_name>.crt
An SSL certificate that will be used on the nucleator-ui and nucleator machines.
Part of the nucleator(1) suite