Installing Nucleator


How to get Nucleator



1. Install Prerequisites


 You must install all pre-requisites listed in this section. Installation suggestions are provided, but specific installation methods may vary based on your underlying Linux distribution.

You will need to install on your local machine:

boto must be version 2.34 or greater, with support for STS.


You can have pip install Nucleator directly from the git repository. 

2. Install Nucleator


 Run this command: 

pip install --upgrade git+git://

If your python installation requires root access, be sure to add a sudo to the beginning of the above command.

This will install the nucleator command which will be used for the duration of the install, provision, configure cycle.


3. Initialize Nucleator Config



nucleator init

This validates the installation of prerequisites, creates a nucleator configuration directory named .nucleator in your home directory, and copies template and example configuration files into your nucleator configuration directory.

If Nucleator detects issues with the pre-requisites, it will display commands that will need to be run. When prerequisites are missing, Nucleator may show results like this:

Checking ansible Installation
ERROR: Prerequisite ansible not found.
Nucleator requires ansible to run. You can install it with all 47Lining pull requests via:
 git clone --recursive -b nucleator_distribution
 cd ansible; sudo python install

Please follow the instructions to install dependencies if needed.

Alternate Install Method

If you are experiencing issues with pip, you can alternatively:

git clone
cd nucleator-core
python install

If your python installation requires root access, be sure to add a sudo to the beginning of the python command above.


Next: Creating your own Siteconfig Repository


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